
Membership is open to all, from 1 to 100. To take part in combat displays, members must be over the age of 16, but the society encourages all to join. If you have no wish to fight, or if fighting alone is not enough, our displays of period life provide opportunities to learn craft skills, and to experience the life of people in the Viking Age at first hand. Whether you wish to learn a new skill, or demonstrate an existing one in a period setting, all are welcome, but it is not necessary to be a skilled craftsman to take part in our displays - everyone can find something to do, from tending the fires to cooking a meal, organising the display, or selling the results of someone's hard labour.

Ousekjarr has primarily been a combat-based group in the past, but now has a very active living history camp and we encourage those with an interest to give it a try - we are very supportive of those who wish to participate in this way.


Membership of Ousekjarr is currently £25 per year for adult members, £20 for students and the unemployed, and £1 per year for junior members. As well as including membership of the main society, this entitles the member to attend events, receive the society's newsletter, and to be covered by the society's Public Liability insurance at events. For more information. contact us

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